IOWA Alumni Magazine | February 2016
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We recently asked followers of our Facebook page to share where they studied abroad as a UI student. Here's what they said:

Rome, Italy, in spring 1999 was the best five months of my life. Thanks to Facebook, I've reconnected with a lot of those people.
Jenna Fontana

I went to Quebec City in 1994. It would be challenging to pare down my best experiences [as an undergrad]. Studying abroad would certainly make the cut, though.
Mary Cowsky Greve, 97BS

I participated in the Iowa Regents Program in Swansea, Wales, in spring 1998. I made lifelong friends, and we still keep in touch years later. Two of my roommates are coming to Iowa for my 40th birthday this year!
Kristen Eggers Mead, 00BM

Madrid, summer 2015.
Holly Ott

Lyon, France, in summer 1992. It was an amazing experience!
Jenny Heneghan Cushing, 93BA

I spent fall semester of my junior year in London in 1987. Lots of travel, amazing attractions, and memories for a lifetime.
Julie Levin Schaeffer, 89BA

San Sebastian, Spain, in 1993. Best decision I have ever made.
Robert T. Bockel, 94BA

Thessaloniki, Greece, in spring 2010.
Allie Marie

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