Rooted in Iowa: How the UI Helps Rural Communities Thrive
By Josh O'Leary
2 minute read
From health care to climate research to community journalism, the UI makes an impact in all corners of the Hawkeye State.
Visit nearly any small town in Iowa, and you’re bound to see the Tigerhawk. The University of Iowa’s familiar athletics logo appears on license plates along Main Street, painted on the sides of barns, and emblazoned on the ballcaps of farmers. But if you look closer, you’ll notice the university’s footprint goes far beyond sports fandom.
Stop into the drugstore owned by a UI College of Pharmacy alum. Talk to the landowner who uses weather forecasting systems developed by the UI College of Engineering. Or visit the UI Health Care community clinic providing families with expert care close to home.
For communities stretching from the Missouri River to the Mississippi, the University of Iowa isn’t just a destination for learning; it’s a partner. In this special feature, learn how the UI’s deep roots nourish rural areas across the Hawkeye State, helping Iowans flourish.
Iowa researchers are working to solve some of our state’s most significant environmental challenges. That includes experts from the UI College of Engineering who are using a living laboratory to conduct innovative sustainability research and scientists who have deployed a vast network of climate sensors to prepare for the growing impact of extreme weather events.PHOTO COURTESY IIHR-HYDROSCIENCE & ENGINEERING
Iowa is a national leader in rural public health research. The UI College of Public Health, home to research hubs like the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health and the Prevention Research Center for Rural Health, is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of rural Iowans—on the farm, at work, and on the roadway.PHOTO: JUSTIN TORNER/UI OFFICE OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION
The UI trains the next generation of professionals, providing a solid foundation for Iowa’s workforce and economy. Students from all 99 counties come to Iowa City for undergraduate and postgraduate education, and proud alumni make their homes in every corner of the Hawkeye State as health care workers, lawyers, pharmacists, and more.ART: JASON MECIER
UI partnerships help rural communities thrive. Each year, students, faculty, and staff collaborate with towns on an array of municipal-improvement projects through the Initiative for Sustainable Communities. At the same time, the next generation of community journalists get on-the-job experiences through The Daily Iowan’s new partnership with two small-town newspapers.PHOTO: JUSTIN TORNER/UI OFFICE OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION
Rural residents face significant health disparities, including higher cancer rates and limited access to obstetric and mental health care. That’s why UI Health Care and its statewide network of clinics and community partners are vital for Iowa’s health. “We have a clear mission to serve 3.2 million Iowans across 99 counties,” says Denise Jamieson, vice president for medical affairs and dean of the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.PHOTO: LIZ MARTIN/UI HEALTH CARE
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