Cher Carney, National Advanced Driving Simulator
This fall, hundreds of
thousands of teenagers
across the country began
driver's ed. Cher Carney (96MS), a senior research
associate at the National
Advanced Driving Simulator
at the UI, has spent the past
decade studying teen driving
behavior and offers the
following tips to help parents
with the transition:
Model and talk about safe
driving habits with your
children, such as wearing
seatbelts, avoiding cell phone
distractions, and watching for
potential hazards.
At the age of supervised
driving, have your teen
practice at least 40 hours
(but ideally 70), including
during various times of day
and weather conditions and on
different types of roadways.
Limit your licensed teen's
time driving in the riskiest
conditions: at night and with
peers as passengers.