IOWA Magazine | 10-03-2015

High Five: Wedding Dance Instructor

0 minute read

Diane DeMarco

Diane DeMarco

As a nationally certified dance instructor for UI Recreational Services, Diane DeMarco helps couples prepare for the first dance of the rest of their lives. For the past five years, she's taught a Wedding Workshop, where students learn to master the moves they'll debut on the reception dance floor. "One of the most rewarding things about teaching dance is watching someone evolve and transform," says DeMarco, a former UI head women's gymnastics coach. "Their confidence grows and joy abounds throughout the entire process.

Here are DeMarco's top tips for creating a memorable first dance:

  • 1. Give yourselves enough time to prepare. Says DeMarco, "Excellence requires repetition."
  • 2. Commit to practicing individually and together.
  • 3. Make sure you know several dance steps, how to lead or follow, and how to execute a dip for the ending if you decide not to choreograph the routine.
  • 4. Practice dancing with the style of shoes and dress you'll wear at the wedding reception.
  • 5. Stand tall, smile, and pay attention to your breathing.

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