IOWA Alumni Magazine | August 2009
100 Years Young
This September, UI Alumnus, W. Howard Lloyd, will celebrate his 100th birthday
Howard Lloyd

This September 21, W. Howard Lloyd intends to celebrate his 100th birthday with "nothing fancy, just a little cake and ice cream" in the company of family and friends in Rochester, Minnesota. The proud former naval officer and loyal University of Iowa alumnus recalls his days in Iowa City with fondness—including the many Homecoming games he attended during and after college. In addition to his university experience and military service, he counts his 75-year marriage to high school sweetheart Myrtle Patterson as one of the thrills of his life.

"My old friends are all gone now and I'm the survivor—but I have the memories and they are wonderful," says Lloyd, 31BSC. His advice to the new generations?

"Be nice, people. Do what makes you happy."

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