Whenever I see the "brain" public art piece [Ridge and Furrow by Peter Randall-Page] situated by the Blank Honors Center and the Admission Visitor Center, I thank the artist for the clever idea and the university for its genius placement for all to see as a testament to education. —Arthur W. Mardis, 88MD
Love the pond pool by the cliffs by the art museum.
—Deidra Franzen Baker, 90BA, 95MA
At Hillcrest Marketplace looking out the window, seeing the bald eagles flying over the Iowa River. When they dive down for a fish, it's absolutely breathtaking!
—Lori Birchfield
Words written on the frozen river in an overnight snowfall. —Jane Andrle Gillette, 72BA
On a barstool at the Airliner! —Aimee Glazeski McCollam, 96BA
The sidewalk down the hill on the south side of Bowen Science Building and the medical labs. —Gregg Cohen, 81BS, 84MS, 92PhD
Sitting on the steps of Old Capitol overlooking the west side of campus and the Iowa Memorial Union. —Julie Garrison Duffin, 93BA