IOWA Alumni Magazine | June 2015
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Alumni and friends share what they miss most about Iowa.

On our Facebook page, we asked alumni who live out-of-state what they miss most about Iowa. Here's what they said:

"Hawkeye football, pork tenderloins, sweet corn, and cicadas on a warm summer night."
—Lisa Hollett, 81BSN

"The special type of people that Iowa produces, the feeling of being home, and, of course, Iowa City."
—Jeff Adams, 03BA

"Rich black dirt for planting."
—Jane Weaver-Sobel, 69BA

"How far the value of the dollar goes. Moving from a house in Iowa to an apartment in Los Angeles, our new place was triple our old mortgage and one-fourth the space."
Heather Brooks Miller, 99BA

"Stargazing on summer nights, lightning bugs, and Fareway grocery stores."
—Amy Higgins Riske, 00BA

"The people. They are so much more genuine than anywhere else I've been."
—Melissa Evans, 99BS

"That wide-open prairie sky."
—Laura K. Williford, 79BA

"That sharp feel to an early September day. Even if it is going to warm up later, that cool crispness is like nothing I have known anywhere else."
—Paul H. Davis, 78BGS

"A baseline dry sense of humor—hard to characterize, but particularly evident when retired farmers gather for coffee. I know I can mildly joke with just about anyone I encounter and never get a blank (or hostile) stare."
—Valerie Barnes Lipscomb, 82BA

"Weathering four seasons. In Houston, we have two: hot and less hot."
—Joseph Naughton, 00BA, 03MA.

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