IOWA Alumni Magazine | August 2010
The University of Iowa Alumni Publications Collection
University of Iowa Alumni Publications

Before Iowa Alumni Magazine, Hawkeyes turned to publications such as Iowa Alumni Quarterly (1993-1999), Iowa Alumni Review (1947-1993), and the Iowa Alumnus (1903-1925) to keep up-to-date with their alma mater.

These rich resources for Iowa history are now available online as part of the University of Iowa Alumni Publications Collection in the UI Libraries' Iowa Digital Library. Users can fully search the text or browse by year to find articles related to the life and events of the UI and its people, ranging from the construction of the Iowa Memorial Union to the football team's trips to the Rose Bowl.

Sourced from the University Archives, the digital collection currently includes every issue of the magazines from 1903 through 2005, except for a 22-year interruption from 1925 to 1947 when no alumni publication existed. The digital library's alumni magazine collection will be updated yearly, but issues from the past five years will only be available on the UI Alumni Association's website as an exclusive benefit for UIAA members.

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